If you cannot see any prices in our online shop, there are usually two reasons:
- You are not logged in: If you want to see the prices in our online shop, you must login into your customer account first. Login now here.
- You are not registered yet at all: You can easily register as a new customer if you do not have a Kloeckner customer number yet by choosing an option: "Sign up as a new customer".
- Your are a Kloeckner customer already but your e-mail is not yet activated: You can easily activate your account if you select: "Sign up with Kloeckner customer number". Use your Kloeckner customer number and by us known e-mail address to sign up.
- You are logged in: If you are logged in and still do not see any price, that would mean the product is simply not available online. You can enter your desired dimensions and request the products by sending us a quote request. You will receive a non-binding offer from the local branch office afterwards.